Business Leadership Engagement FeedBack Backup

Welcome to SACL Business Leadership Engagement FeedBack Backup.

As a business leader, though you may not be involved in the daily interactions with SACL, being SACL's key stakeholder, your feedback is vital.

We'd like to hear from you about the overall engagement with SACL, their alignment to your business & strategic priorities and how you see them as a long term strategic partner. This should take only a few minutes. 

We really appreciate your independent and honest assessment from strategic and business perspective.

Note: We are also collecting operational level feedback across levels from your organization.

How would you rate SACL on the overall value it offers to your organization?*

   (0 - No Value; 10 - Very High Value)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
According to you, which of the following best describes SACL?*

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements:*

   (1 - Highly Disagree; 4 - Highly Agree)

1 2 3 4
   SACL Management has a favorable partnership attitude and demonstrates commitment to our long term relationship?  
   SACL moves aggressively and with agility to respond to our organization's needs and plans
   SACL provides know-how that is relevant to our industry and market now and in future
It is easy to work with SACL because:*

   (Select all relevant responses)

How can SACL strengthen the relationship with your organization?*

   (Select all relevant responses)


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