Customer ExperieneceCustomer Experience Quotes #68

Customer Experience Quotes

Here is one of the most inspiring Customer experience quotes to delight customers and develop superior service attitude


Make a customer, not a sale.

– Katherine Barchetti


Take away for CX Professionals

A sale is incidental but a customer is intrinsic to your business.


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Author is an expert in Customer Service. If you are looking for Customer Experience (CX) Consultant in Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi and across India, contact us.

Customer Experience Quotes

Here is one of the most inspiring Customer experience quotes to delight customers and build Customer Experience Strategy

Not excellence. Perfection.You aim for perfection, you will attain excellence. If you aim for excellence, you will go lower.

– JRD Tata

Take away for CX Professionals

With customer experience, aim for the stars if you want to reach the summit.

Download 7 Acts of Customer Centric Professional

Author is an expert in Customer experience strategy. If you are looking for Customer Experience (CX) consultant in Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi and across India, contact us.

Customer Experience Quotes

Here is one of the most inspiring Customer experience quotes to delight customers and build Customer Experience Strategy

If you chase two rabbits, you will not catch either one.

– Russian Proverb

Take away for CX Professionals:

Have one goal at a time and work towards it.

Download XL based Touchpoint Assessment Check Sheet for Evaluation & Benchmarking with Instructions

Author is an expert in Customer experience strategy. If you are looking for Customer Experience (CX) consultant in Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi and across India, contact us.

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