Customer JourneyCustomer Experience Quotes #20

Customer Experience Quotes

Here is one of the most inspiring Customer experience quotes to delight customers and create world class Customer Experience Design


Make everyone think about things from the customer’s perspective… …design how things work jointly with your customers.

– Mike Grafham


Take away for CX Professionals

Co-creation can be a powerful way to design customer’s journey.

Download Customer Churn & Retention Management Report

Author is an expert in Customer Experience Design. If you are looking for Customer Experience (CX) consultant in Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi and across India, contact us.

Customer Experience Quotes

Here is one of the most inspiring Customer experience quotes to delight customers and create world class Customer Experience Design


Make your product easier to buy than your competition, or you will find your customers buying from them, not you.

– Mark Cuban


Take away for CX Professionals

Remove the barriers in customer journey to shop, buy and use.

Get India Centric Customer Experience Trends Report

Author is an expert in Customer Experience Design. If you are looking for Customer Experience (CX) consultant in Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi and across India, contact us.

Source: 2011 AMEX India Customer Experience Barometer Survey

It is evident from the above findings that each & every customer interaction is an opportunity to drive Customer Experience which in turn impacts customer retention, loyalty and share of wallet.

But the interactions are so complex and difficult to manage in large scale operations.

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To make things more complex, our moments of customer interactions are brief, fragmented and mere snapshots. The customers may be in health or financial difficulties or in the middle of a crisis or some unanticipated trouble.

Re-wiring Customer Experience is a systematic way to cleanup of the various touch points that removes barriers and install levers or seeds that will enable the customers to progress to next phase of customer journey.

About the Author

Nilakantasrinivasan (Neil) helps a range of large enterprises in services and manufacturing, with particular emphasis on customer experience, retention and churn management. He can reached at

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