CXHow to strategize product/service roadmap


A leading group company involved in Engg and Enterprise Solutions for manufacturing sector to group companies & 3rd parties wants to increase sales win rates, C-sat with better targeting and skills and thus improving its client centricity


Big 4 Actions:


A leading independent terminalling company wants to achieve seamless delivery during build and operate and thus improving client centricity


Big 3 Actions:


An ITES arm of a big software company which works with enterprises across industries wanting to improve its client relationship


One of their large account ($1Bn) wanted to terminate their enterprise contract due to issues with ITES services. Hence main focus was to prevent the churn by short term fix and long term actions.

Big 5 Actions:

Poor Account Growth

B2B organizations can struggle with poor account growth for a variety of reasons. Some common reasons include:

Overall, B2B organizations need to have a clear understanding of their target market, a strong sales and marketing strategy, effective account management practices, and a willingness to embrace change in order to drive account growth.

Role of leadership in B2B account growth

Leadership plays a crucial role in ensuring consistent B2B account growth. A strong and visionary leadership team can create a culture that fosters growth, innovation, and customer success. Here are some ways that leadership can drive B2B account growth:

By establishing a strong leadership foundation, B2B organizations can ensure consistent account growth and set themselves up for long-term success.

why B2B organizations have low EBITDA margin

There are several reasons why B2B organizations may end up with low EBITDA margins (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization), including:

In conclusion, low EBITDA margins in B2B organizations can be caused by a combination of factors, including increased competition, rising costs, inefficiencies in operations, poor pricing strategies, an undersized sales team, lack of innovation, and weak cost control. By addressing these challenges, B2B organizations can improve their profitability and achieve sustained success.

Role of leadership in Low EBITDA margin

Leaders in B2B organizations can take several steps to improve low EBITDA margins, including:

Conduct a Cost Analysis: Leaders should conduct a thorough analysis of the organization’s costs to identify areas where they can be reduced. This may involve streamlining processes, reducing waste, and rethinking approaches to procurement and inventory management.

Review Pricing Strategies: Leaders should review their pricing strategies to ensure that they are in line with market conditions and reflect the true value of their products and services. This may involve adjusting prices, implementing dynamic pricing strategies, or finding new revenue streams.

Invest in Technology and Innovation: Leaders should invest in technology and innovation to improve efficiency and reduce costs. This may involve implementing new software systems, automating processes, or developing new products and services that can help the organization stay ahead of the competition.

Build a Strong Sales Team: Leaders should invest in building a strong sales team that can effectively sell the organization’s products and services. This may involve hiring new salespeople, providing sales training, or reorganizing the sales team to optimize performance.

Foster a Culture of Continuous Improvement: Leaders should foster a culture of continuous improvement, encouraging employees to identify and implement new ways to reduce costs and increase efficiency. This may involve regularly reviewing and adjusting processes, setting performance targets, and providing recognition and incentives for improvements.

Collaborate with Partners: Leaders should collaborate with partners, suppliers, and customers to identify opportunities for joint cost savings and revenue growth. This may involve sharing information and resources, developing joint ventures, or forming strategic alliances.

In conclusion, improving low EBITDA margins in B2B organizations requires a combination of strategic planning, investment in technology and innovation, and a commitment to continuous improvement. By taking these steps, leaders can position their organizations for long-term success and profitability.

Employee Skills & Capabilities for improving low EBITDA margin

To improve EBITDA margins in B2B companies, employees should develop the following skills and capabilities:

In conclusion, developing these skills and capabilities in employees can help B2B organizations improve their EBITDA margins by reducing costs, increasing efficiency, and growing revenue. This can be achieved through a combination of training, coaching, and development programs, as well as a strong focus on continuous improvement and collaboration.

Client Centricity in improving EDITDA margin

Client centricity plays an important role in improving low EBITDA margins in the B2B sector. When organizations focus on their clients and put their needs at the center of their business strategies, they are able to increase customer satisfaction, improve client retention, and drive revenue growth. This, in turn, can lead to improved EBITDA margins.

Here are some ways in which client centricity can help improve low EBITDA margins in B2B organizations:

Free Download

Download free customer experience self-assessment check sheet that is useful before commencing client centricity journey in your organization.

This self-assessment check-sheet will help you to quickly evaluate your Customer Experience program and learn about areas that need improvement. This is a qualitative assessment. Hence you should take an unbiased view during evaluation. There are 2 parts in this assessment. First contains 16 questions and you can evaluate where your organization stands in each of those areas. Second part contains, ideally expected responses which can be used for comparison.

In conclusion, client centricity is an essential component of improving low EBITDA margins in the B2B sector. By putting the needs of their clients first and building strong, meaningful relationships, organizations can increase customer satisfaction, improve client retention, and drive revenue growth, leading to improved EBITDA margins.

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