Hoshin PlanningOutcomes of Annual Hoshin Planning Process

Outcomes of Policy Deployment

Hoshin Kanri (Policy Deployment), a Japanese strategy and execution approach has been used by many organizations as a framework for their strategic planning. Hoshin Planning can be considered as a the process of setting annual goals for an organization or function and deploying them down the line.

In general, Hoshin Planning covers defining 3 year organizational goals, their quantification and ownership, organizational strategies to accomplish them, strategic projects (aka Hoshins) at organizational level that are helpful to accomplish goals. Many organizations also want to cascade their organizational hoshin plan to functional level.

If you are considering a Hoshin Planning session, following are the tangible deliverable that you can expect out of this exercise:

There is a lot of rigor that goes into creating these documents. Leadership involvement, ownership and detailing play a critical role in the effectiveness of these outcomes of annual hoshin planning process. Thus I should warn that just completing this documents for the sake of doing so isn’t Hoshin Kanri (Policy Deployment)!

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