sales reportingWhat specific analytical skills are needed for Sales Managers in the era of Analytics?

analytical skills for sales managers

Sales Organization, including Sales Director, Account Managers, Channel Managers, Regional Managers, Area Managers, Zonal Managers, Territory Managers are constantly challenged to break the sealing – go beyond their best performance in the recent past. While they adopt different strategies to achieve business goals, the availability of data or information about the customers, their needs, channel partners, capability and capacity, supply chain efficacy, pricing insights, competition activities, below the line (BTL) activities has improved in the recent decade due to sales process automation, ERP, CRM and other sales enablement tools.

However, without sufficient analytical skills to analyze this data and draw meaningful insights, results are not guaranteed. Sales Reporting and Business Intelligence (BI) tools provide dashboards and scorecards that enable Sales Managers to analyze the information for constructive decision making.  But that’s just the least value one can extract from the data.

Business Outcomes that can drastically improve through enhanced sales analytics skills are:

To know more about our ‘sales analytics training’

Here’s a list of Sales Analytics skills and difficulty level that Sales Managers need in the era of Analytics:

Difficulty Level Analytics Skills
Beginner Data Summarization
Beginner Data Visualization
Beginner Segmentation Analysis
Beginner Trend Analysis
Intermediate Time Series Forecasting
Intermediate Data pattern analysis
Advanced Hypothesis formulation and Hypothesis testing
Advanced Data clustering
Advanced Conjoint Analysis
Advanced Predictive analysis and modelling

If you are looking for Sales Analytics Training and consulting in Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi and across India, contact us.

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