B2B Business Development Workshop

B2B Business Development Workshop


Equipping leaders with sales management, KAM and client centricity skills that are necessary for B2B business development

Expected Outcomes:

At the end of the workshop, you will be able to

Target Audience:

Leadership team

Broad Curriculum:

All the methods to be covered in the training will be Application, Analysis or Synthesis as per Bloom’s taxonomy.

Aimed at covering tools/techniques to develop the B2B Leadership skills. This is achieved through preworkshop assessment, interactive group activities, case studies, presentation and reflection exercise and theory will be restricted to bare minimum

To conduct B2B Business Development workshop in Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi and across India and to know more about the curriculum & structure & customization to your needs, contact us. Contact Us

Here are the 10 videos of free course for B2B on Client Centric Growth Strategies with implementation tips

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