Increase Sales Win Rates, C-sat with Better Targeting & Skills
A leading group company involved in Engg and Enterprise Solutions for manufacturing sector to group companies & 3rd parties wants to increase sales win rates, C-sat with better targeting and skills and thus improving its client centricity
- Projects with few group companies had frequent escalations.
- Most external projects had budget and time overrun.
- Client satisfaction scores were low. Sales Win Rates and projects awarded were of low value.
Big 4 Actions:
- Improved the Project Value and Win rates based on targeting the influencers instead of the decision makers.
- Customer Satisfaction Analytics to build a predictive model and key drivers
- Coaching of Delivery Managers and Project Managers on handling client reviews, communication and relationship management (influencing framework)
- Review of internal project management process and fix internal measures, risk assessment, resource management and client dashboards